Love Wins Here! 

Happiness How To's Oct 04, 2024

Worries, fears, guilt, anger, shame, grief ... How can you be happy when your child is struggling, utterly dependent on a substance they wish they...

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Accepting the Unacceptable Sep 13, 2024


He left again. Back to the streets, back to using drugs to get through the day. It's soul sucking to see him this way, to imagine what...

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How to Turn Off Stress Aug 23, 2024

I woke up at 3am with stress. How's my son? How am I going to fit it all in?  My to do list is growing despite the joy of crossing things off....

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Get a "Real" Life Aug 16, 2024

"She'll never choose real life", fears a fellow mom. Followed up with "She'll die before she ever lives".  Can you relate?  I sure...

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A Walk Through Fear Aug 02, 2024

He was released early from prison, went directly to parole office, agreed to a program, walked out of parole office and back to streets. Mom walks...

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Had Enough Yet? Jul 26, 2024

Have you ever felt like you've had enough worry? Enough struggle? Have you experienced times when circumstances seem so overwhelming you just cry...

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Good Grief !? Jul 19, 2024

When you love a child who struggles with substance use, there's a whole lot to feel: worry like it's so deep and never ending it can consume your...

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Where is God? Jul 16, 2024

I had one of those days yesterday, well not a whole day really when I see the truth of it. But a day filled with waves of grief, waves of emotions,...

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New Year Possibilities Dec 31, 2022

What a year! How are you defining your 2022?

For me, there was a series of crises and losses, difficult changes to process, and the need to...

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Guilt? NOT Guilty! Dec 15, 2022

It's been a horrific kind of year. My son's mental and physical health deteriorating more by the month. Offers of all kinds of supports are...

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Giving Thanks AND Holding Space for the Tough Stuff Nov 23, 2022

Holidays have so much meaning, so many stories, memories of past ~ the good, the bad, and the ugly, the anticipation of joy, of newness ... and of...

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Reach out to me via email at [email protected]

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Private Facebook Group: Loving Your Child Through Their Addiction
