For moms of adult children struggling with substance use, there's so much fear, worry, guilt, anger.  It is so painful to think you're losing connection with your dear child.  So don't!  

Relieve Your Fear, Find Your Peace, Empower Your Love, and Transform Your Relationship with Your Struggling Child with Moms Living Love: Not Fear.  A weekly transformational support group.

Moms Living Love: Not Fear! 

I want THIS!

Worry to Warrior: 

Where Love and Skills Meet to Create Hope and Possibility for Parents of Struggling Children.

Empower Your Love, Relieve Fear, and Transform Your Relationship with Your Struggling Child: From Worry to Warrior in 12 Weeks

Discover the Path from Fear to Peace

I really get the pain and struggle of loving a child through an addiction.  There is so much fear, so much worry, confusion, guilt, anger, exhaustion.  I've seen it from all sides:  as a fellow mother, family recovery coach and a licensed social worker.  It's hard!  It's great that you're getting educated, learning and practicing new skills but then fear creeps back in, or it's like an avalanche, a very uninvited guest that takes over your life.  Nothing and no one seems to bring lasting relief. The weight of this struggle has left you feeling tired, powerless and overwhelmed.

You want it to stop, you know you deserve a path that genuinely transforms your fear to more peace and calm so that your relationship with your child has a better chance for loving connection and your calm, supportive presence.  This is what we miss the most, and it makes the pain even more painful.  

Right now, you're dealing with the heart-wrenching struggle of seeing your child battle substance use. It's a situation that engulfs you in fear and worry. You've tried various approaches—endless research, conversations, maybe even therapy—but nothing seems to bring lasting relief. The weight of this struggle has left you feeling powerless and overwhelmed.

You’re tired, frustrated, and sick of the pain and lack of results. After years of investing in yourself and trying dozens of approaches, you know you deserve a path that genuinely transforms your relationship with your child, one that brings hope back into your life.

Imagine how much more fulfilled you’ll feel once you can:

Have open, meaningful conversations with your child without fear.

Offer support and guidance without feeling helpless.

Rebuild a strong, loving bond with your child.

Through the darkness of fear, love will find you so that you can live your love shining it out and to your child through your words, actions, your presence, your heart.  This is your calling, your purpose and love will guide you through and out of the fear.

Join Moms Living Love

Is fear and worry consuming you?
Restless nights, tossing and turning with anxiety.

Are you feeling overwhelmed and powerless while your child struggles with substance use?
A strained relationship with your child, leading to a sense of helplessness.

Are you haunted by countless thoughts and fears?
Feeling emotionally drained, affecting your overall well-being...

You're not alone;

I understand the pain you're going through, and I am here to share the way to deeper peace where your love overcomes the struggle.  I am here to save you time, energy, and help you save the relationship with your self, and your dear child. 

Despite all you've sought and learned to help you through the struggles that come with loving a child through their use disorder, the fear can knock you down and take you out, over and over and over. Imagine a world where you're no longer consumed by worry and fear. Where you feel empowered and better able to get back to your own life, and support your struggling child. Where your connection is stronger than ever before.

This is the world of Moms Living Love: Not Fear. My world has also been impacted by these same very real challenges. My child continues to struggle and I get plenty of fear.  It is the invitation to explore my thought world, and let Love illuminate the inner wisdom and guidance that lies beyond the fear.  In this world, it's real easy to feel lost and helpless.  That's the turning point, to embrace the fear, to identify the very things that keep you in confusion and pain, and let the power of love welcome you back, even in and especially because of the darkest times. These realization changed everything and inspired me to create Moms Living Love: Not Fear. 

I have been inspired and called to share with you how you can break free from the clutches of fear, rekindle your bond with your child, and be the powerful, loving force they need, and that you want and need to be as you are called to be a mother.

I understand the pain you're going through. You're not alone. 

Currently, not having the tools to effectively support your struggling child. Imagine a world where you're no longer consumed by worry and fear. Where you feel empowered and equipped to support your struggling child. Where your connection is stronger than ever before.

This is the world of Worry to Warrior, my journey has seen these same twists and turns. When my child faced addiction, I felt lost and helpless. It was a turning point that made me realize the power of love, even in the darkest times. That realization changed everything and inspired me to create Worry to Warrior.

My aim is to help you break free from the clutches of fear, rekindle your bond with your child, and be the powerful, loving force they need.

I understand the pain you're going through. You're not alone.

That's why I created Moms Living Love:  Not Fear.  This is a safe place where all your fear, worry, anger, guilt, everything is held with compassion and tender loving care ~ and transformed into deep and lasting healing so that it doesn't control you, so that you can restore your peace, get your life back, and connect with your child in helpful and supportive ways a safe and supportive space where you can undo your fear and worry, the guilt, anger, stress and heal so it does not control you and relieves the strain on the relationship with your child. 

In this transformational support group, you will learn:

  • How to identify what causes your fear and release the overwhelming pain that may be holding you back
  • How to empower your love and compassion for your child
  • How to bring forth your love in word and action, in your energy and presence so that you can better support your child effectively
  • Discover the next steps that feel right for you.  Be your own expert.
  • Learn evidence based tools and methods from The Invitation to Change that you can include with your newfound confidence in your personal choices and self-discovery

Essential #1:

Relieve Your Fears and Worry

Learn to identify what is contributing to your fear, how to relieve it with a variety of self care methods, and a powerful path to peace that you can use anytime, anywhere. 

Essential #2:

Empower Your Love and Choices

Let the power of a clear and peaceful mind guide you to loving action and inspiration.  Explore The Invitation to Change to create the conditions where change can happen. 

Essential #3:

Discover Your Own Inner Expert

Increase your confidence to know what is true for you by tapping into your own inner wisdom, so that you can better learn and approach old problems in new ways that feel right for you and your child.

This is your opportunity to connect with the power of your love and with other moms on the same journey.  Let's join together and share in the greatest purpose of your life.

Together, we can create a more peaceful, kinder, and self-guided brighter future for you and your child.

If you're ready to say goodbye to fear and hello to hope, join me today.

Enroll in Moms Living Love: Not Fear and pave your path to a more peaceful and connected future.

Moms Living Love


Monthly Payment

Most sessions ask for a $10 investment per session.  When you join Moms Living Love, you also receive an extra bonus session every week.

Value:  it's all really priceless to relieve crippling fear, and the value would be $100 a month. 

With the bonus weekly session, that would be $80 a month. 

You can join for less than half of that knowing that nothing could ever be of more value than a way to connect with your child from a place of peace and connected love. 

Enroll Today
Registration Anytime and the time is NOW:

This is the call you've been waiting for and the one to relieve your fear about the other call. Secure your spot and save precious time.

Act now! You know fear will take you out.    Finding peace that lies beyond the fear will set you free.  Your freedom, and sharing that with your child, is here and now.

Affordable Payment Options:

Ease your budget by breaking the cost into
3 manageable payments of $190.52
*Disclaimer: With a slight investment increase

Registration Deadline:

Secure your spot within the next 5-7 days.

Act Fast! Doors will close for this intimate group soon.

Transform your relationship with your struggling child, break free from fear, and start your journey towards a more peaceful and connected future today.

Don't miss out.  Don't waste precious time stuck in fear, worry, guilt, anger, stress.  This monthly transformational support group will open your heart so wide, it will change your life.  

Stepping into this transformative journey of personal growth and healing, you're not only investing in yourself but also in your relationship with your struggling child. As you learn to identify and release the fears that have been a barrier, you'll notice a profound shift in your approach. Your newfound peace and understanding will become a light in the darkness, allowing you to create and feel a closer connection and deeper empathy with and for your child. Your ability to support them without the restraints of fear will transform your own well-being and create a positive ripple effect for their heart and onto their path too.

What Other Parents Are Saying...

"Your letters are a huge 'sigh of relief' for me.
Please keep me on your mailing list. The last ones have truly helped me through and are still doing the same."

"I've taken Joanne's group and it was intense, calming, loving, accepting.
I’d highly recommend it to anyone in need."

"You still come to my mind, and I want to thank you for the time you gave me to help me learn a new way of thinking.

Your meetings were impactful and made me less of a black and white kind of thinker.

It is a gift from God through your presence and teachings. Our daughter is growing and healing. Life is not perfect because substance abuse leaves a path of destruction and many patterns to unlearn. Yet, there is much gratitude for the light and less darkness."

"Yesterday had to be the best meeting I think I have ever been in. It was so helpful for me. My biggest struggle is fear. It is so hard to get past. So many of the things you spoke of yesterday resonated with me."


These testimonials affirm the immense impact and positive changes that Moms Living Love:  Not Fear brings to the lives of moms like you and their struggling children.

Deepening Your Personal Healing 

In the transformational support group Moms Living Love: Not Fear, you'll gain energy through the collective group realizations transforming fear to peace, that all of us moms want and can support each other to create and receive.  With a clear and calm mind, you will learn tools and skills to share with your child, sharing this kind of love that can profoundly reshape your relationship with your child.

Fear Busting Techniques

Learn proven strategies to dissolve the paralyzing fears that have held you back, allowing you to step into your role as a loving and empowered parent.

Building Empathy and Understanding

Cultivate empathy and deeper understanding of your child's struggles, helping you forge a stronger connection built on compassion and kindness. 

Effective Communication Strategies

Improve your communication, understanding how to reach your child in a way that fosters trust, openness, and effective dialogue.


Conflict Resolution Skills

Acquire conflict resolution skills to navigate challenging situations with your child constructively, finding resolutions that prioritize mutual growth and understanding.

Emotional Resilience Training

Develop emotional resilience to manage the ups and downs of supporting a struggling child, ensuring your well-being while being a pillar of strength for your loved one.

Reestablishing Boundaries

Understand the importance of healthy boundaries and learn how to set them lovingly yet firmly, fostering a balanced relationship with your child.

Promoting Positive Habits

Discover how to guide your child toward positive habits and choices, supporting their journey to healing and growth.

1  Fear Dissolution Techniques

Learn proven strategies to dissolve the paralyzing fears that have held you back, allowing you to step into your role as a loving and empowered parent.


2  Effective Communication Strategies

Master the art of communication, understanding how to reach your child in a way that fosters trust, openness, and effective dialogue.


3  Building Empathy and Understanding

Cultivate empathy and deeper understanding of your child's struggles, helping you forge a stronger connection built on compassion and empathy.


4  Conflict Resolution Skills

Acquire conflict resolution skills to navigate challenging situations with your child constructively, finding resolutions that prioritize mutual growth and understanding.


5  Emotional Resilience Training

Develop emotional resilience to manage the ups and downs of supporting a struggling child, ensuring your well-being while being a pillar of strength for your loved one.


6  Reestablishing Boundaries

Understand the importance of healthy boundaries and learn how to set them lovingly yet firmly, fostering a balanced relationship with your child.


7  Promoting Positive Habits

Discover how to guide your child toward positive habits and choices, supporting their journey to healing and growth.

By honing these skills, you will not only transform your relationship with your child but also become a guiding force in their life, leading them towards healing and a future filled with hope and possibility. The ripple effect of this transformation will extend beyond your immediate relationship, positively impacting your family dynamics and their overall well-being.

Enroll now

Joanne Richards

My Journey through Fear to Love

Hey there! I'm Joanne Richards, and I'd like to share some of my story with you.

The Changing Tides

Sometimes the tide is in and sometimes it's out.  There have been times it's felt like the tide stays out way too long, or that I'm being slammed by waves struggling to get my head above water to get some air.  And then I find air, and the tide turns. My son's chaotic use of substances has been my greatest teacher and inspiration to ride the waves. 

Discovering the Power of Love

As my son's substance use increased, struggles and complications increased, I knew I needed tools and methods that work and work fast. I can say that fear and love have changed me profoundly, with fear actually being the catalyst for the most change.  I realized that finding my truth and learning skills, can be the most powerful way of love, even in the darkest of times. It shifted how I see the world, and it brings me back to my heart every time, and back to him.

Let Love Lead

I live by the mantra: "Love wins here!" My mission is to share how we can transform fear to love, feeling the peace it and how it allows us then to learn and practice needed skills to meet the struggles.  Our thought world creates the world we see and feel.  Thoughts and feelings do not mean they're true. Finding the truth that can set us all free.  This is where love lives, and it wins every time.  It's eternal and the best guide in the world!  It's within each of us, and I love sharing how anyone with an open mind and heart can tap into this wisdom and let love lead. 

Thanks for letting me share some of my own journey. If this resonates with you or if you just want to chat, you can send me a message. I'm here, and would love to join you on your own journey of healing and transformation.

Send me an email at [email protected]

I am confident in the impact this transformational support group can have on your life, and for your child.  Life happens and if you need to cancel, you have a 14 day no questions asked promise for a full refund. 

Overcoming Your Concerns

I want to make sure that you feel comfortable and confident as you explore your fears and navigate change, so here are some answers to some of the most common questions and concerns.

The Investment

I recognize that investing in anything new is a significant decision. Consider this an investment in a future where your relationship with your child is flourishing. I've structured the support to be powerful and lasting, ensuring the value you receive far exceeds the cost.  Attending gives you even more value, as each mom's healing supports your own.

Time Commitment

I value your time. The group is designed to fit into your life without overwhelming you. Each session is thoughtfully arranged to maximize impact while being manageable with your schedule. Commitment is important, but I've structured the group to respect your time while achieving profound results.

Difficulty Level

You might wonder if the group is suitable for you, especially if you're new to this type of personal growth work. I promise, all you need is an open mind, bring your heart, pen and paper.  My step-by-step approach and supportive community will guide you through every aspect and show you that you truly are your own expert and have the wisdom of love within. 

I'm here to provide any additional information or clarification you need. Your concerns are important to me because I'm dedicated to ensuring this journey is rewarding, both personally and practically.

Now, let's take that step together toward transforming your relationship with your struggling child.

I am ready!

You've seen the potential of this course: a shift from fear to empowered action, from worry to warrior. Now, picture a life where fear no longer holds you captive, and your love guides your child to healing. This is your opportunity to make this vision real.

Time is of the essence, and spots are filling fast. Your chance to embrace this change is slipping away. Take the leap, break free from worry's chains, and step into the empowerment you deserve.

Enroll Now and become that guiding light for your child, building a connection rooted in understanding and love. Your journey to peace and a thriving relationship with your struggling child begins here. Don't let this moment pass—act now and rewrite your story.

Through the darkness of fear, you will rise into more love, deepening your bond with your child, your heart to heart connection. Enroll today and create your path to a more peaceful and connected future.

I'm Ready to be with Moms Living Love

You've seen the potential of this course: a shift from fear to empowered action, from worry to warrior. Now, picture a life where fear no longer holds you captive, and your love guides your child to healing. This is your opportunity to make this vision real.

Time is of the essence, and spots are filling fast. Your chance to embrace this change is slipping away. Take the leap, break free from worry's chains, and step into the empowerment you deserve.

Apply Now and become that guiding light for your child, building a connection rooted in understanding and love. Your journey to peace and a thriving relationship with your struggling child begins here. Don't let this moment pass—act now and rewrite your story.

Through the darkness of fear, you will rise as a warrior of love, deepening your bond with your child. Enroll today and set off on your path to a more peaceful and connected future.

I'm Ready!